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Return & Refund

  • Return
Once you have informed us that you want to withdraw your purchase, you have 14 days to return the item to us. You must return your order to us without undue delay and no later than 14 days after you have informed us that you wish to withdraw your purchase. You must bear the costs associated with returning the item. You bear the risk for the item from the time of delivery. Missing original packaging constitute a depreciation, so to ensure that you receive a full refund, the item shall be returned in its original packaging. Certain items cannot be returned by regular mail. You must pay for the return package, and you are responsible if there is damage during transport. You are only liable for any deterioration of the item's value caused by handling other than what is necessary to determine the item's nature, characteristics, and how it works. In other words, you can try the item in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store, but you cannot put it into actual use. If the item has been tested beyond what is described above, we consider it used, which means that upon withdrawal of the purchase, you will receive a partial or no refund of the purchase amount, depending on the item's commercial value.
Return Shipping Address:
Ludapet, Fælleddiget 51, 2300 København S. We only accept packages sent directly to this  address.
  • Refund of the purchase amount
If you withdraw your purchase, you will get your money back. If the item has been depreciated, we deduct the amount you are liable for. We refund all payments received from you, including delivery costs no later than 14 days from the day we received your notification of withdrawal. We will refund the money using the same payment method that you used for the purchase, unless we have agreed otherwise. We may withhold payment until we have received the item, unless you provide documentation that you have returned it.
  • Warranty
The purchase law's rules on defects may apply to purchases. When you shop with us as a consumer, you have a 24-month warranty. This means that you can either have the item repaired, exchanged, refunded, or receive a discount, depending on the specific situation. It is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect did not arise due to :
  • incorrect use of the product or other damaging behavior
  • the defect arises because you failed to follow our oral or written instructions as to the storage, transportation, or use of the Goods or
  • the defect arises as a result of fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, or abnormal storage or working conditions;
You must complain within a "reasonable time" after discovering the defect in the item. For all items (including items with limited durability), it applies that common spoilage is not a defect in the sense of the purchase law, even though spoilage may occur before the expiration of the 2-year warranty. If the complaint is justified, we will refund your (reasonable) shipping costs. The item must always be returned in proper packaging, and remember to get a receipt for shipment so that we can refund your shipping costs. When returning the item, please enclose a detailed description of the problem - i.e., you must write your order number, date of purchase, and what you believe is wrong with the item. Return Shipping Address: Ludapet (c/o Dana Kim), Fælleddiget 51, 2300 København S. We only accept packages sent directly to this  address.
  • Complaint Access
If you as a consumer want to complain about your purchase, you must contact us at Contact@ludapet.com. If we do not succeed in finding a solution, you can send a complaint to: Center for Complaint Resolution The House of Boards Toldboden 2 8800 Viborgwww.naevneneshus.dk If you reside in another EU country than Denmark, you can complain to the EU Commission's online complaint portal here - http://ec.europa.eu/odr